
Change gon' come 7/8/16

We didn't teach Aiden this week. He was busy.

We did teach another Chinese lady though! She is super cool. Her name is Liyun. She walks past our church a lot so somebody contacted her. Then we taught her and she knows a ton already! She had been to temple square and remembers the Joseph Smith video. She even prayed at the end of the lesson and then waited for a long time with her eyes closed and then she looked up and said she thinks she got an answer. It was way cool! We have another appointment tonight so hopefully it all works out.

I know that prayer is real. Heavenly Father answers prayers. He answered Liyun and he has answered mine. Even on the little things. Whenever I get offended or angry I just say a little prayer and I feel relief from the atonement rush into my heart. The gospel is real. The atonement is real.

Some cheesy stuff is happening around here. Including:

We got invited to eat ribs and mashed potatoes with another Elder and the office senior couple:

I think we found a bunch of people getting hypnotized:

Me holding milk in a beautiful garden:

I hope you loved this email!
elder osborne