

The glorious river, the trash mountain, the dust, the killing fields, the greatest area in all of Cambodia. whatever you want to call it. I'm in Stung Meanchey.

DISCLAIMER: my life is way cooler than 100% of the people on earth so if you cry at any time while reading this letter FIRST tell me because that's hilarious and THEN don't feel bad because you're not alone.

okay, where do i start. 

after like 25 hours of travel i got off the airplane and was immediately greeted by a blanket of warm soggy Cambodian air. can i even call it air? i don't know. but anyway, we hit the ground running because about 60 minutes after we got off the plane we were walking around a huge market in the middle of the city talking to half naked tuk-tuk drivers and handing out pamphlets to fully naked children. we contacted for about an hour and gave out about 10 pamphlets and got a couple phone numbers. it really boosted my confidence because i realized that i could actually understand about 20% of what they were saying instead of the 2% that i thought i would. 

then for the net 24 hours we were pampered and instructed about missionary life. then immediately after the 24 hours was up we were all kicked out, just like i kicked that rat off my porch this morning, and thrown into the real world; the cold, hard, dusty abyss that is Stung Meanchey. actually it's not cold, it's like boiling. but i digress.
(i feel like an ancient story teller right now this is so cool lol.)

my companion: hey Mom, remember when i was reading mission blogs at home and showed you one and told you that he was going to be my trainer??? well i was right!!

Elder Mitch Neuberger.  hit him up @

legend has it that he baptized a whole village on his first day. some say that he was fluent in Cambodian after only 2 hours at the MTC. others say he bikes so fast that Cambodian kids rush into the street after he passes to pick up the perfectly fried and crispy tarantulas that get caught in the burning rubber wake of his awesomeness. whatever you've heard about him, it's true. he is amazing. he's from San Antonio, Texas but his tongue moves like a koon khmae. (native Cambo) he's been out for almost a whole year and he is the best teacher i have ever met. i am his second child so he already knows all the ins and outs of training and i am definitely reaping the rewards of that. I'm learning so much from him every day. he's so awesome.

My ward (Stung Meanchey 2) is split up into 2 halves.

the 2 other elders in my apartment are Elder Allred and Elder Sok. Elder Allred lived in Shanghai for a while so we have some mutual homies from the Beijing days. Elder Sok is Vietnamese but he speaks perfect khmae too. it's a wild time all in the same apartment. our apartment is 4 floors tall. the kitchen is on floor 1, the other elders' room is on floor 2, the 3rd floor is haunted so nobody is brave enough to see what's on that floor, and then the 4th floor is ours.

it's a long hike up there with stairs so tall that not even the tallest of babies could climb them. the tallness of the stairs actually gives me comfort because i know that not even the smartest of rats could climb up to the 4th floor. they would get way too tired. all the bathrooms in Cambodia are combination toilet/showers. luckily for me the ceiling in the shower clears my head by at least a centimeter so i can shower in peace. but we don't have a water heater so we don't really spend much time in the shower anyway.

i have a nice mat for a bed with air conditioning in the room so sleep is no problem. except when the power went out the other night, that was kinda rough. also i forgot my pillow at the mission home, so actually sleeping is kinda rough. despite all this it is definitely a suuuuuuper nice apartment for Stung Meanchey. missionaries are really spoiled.

the real Stung Meanchey is where our investigators live. we have a bunch of investigators so we always have at least something to do. most of our investigators live in a 10' x 10' cement square. it's so incredibly humbling to see all of these people living in such a tiny and dirty home with no money to spare and still have a smile on their faces. i love the Cambodian people so much already. they are all so nice and so willing to talk to us whenever we want. I've started leading a lot of the contacts we do on the street and i can just go up to anyone and say hello and ask them how they are doing and if they've eaten yet and they are totally willing to listen to us and give us their phone number to call them later. they are all so nice and happy and friendly. everything that I've heard about Cambodians is true.

hey Mom, remember when we used to bike around downtown Beijing and we thought that it was suuuper hectic? yeah. well, it doesn't even compare.

there is a reason that nobody drives cars around here. it's because there is basically no road to drive on. there is just a slab of crumpled cement in a crooked path, and that's on the good roads. we ride around Stung Meanchey all day and i haven't seen a single road that is straight for more than like 10 feet. it's all just dirt paths through alleyways and often they are full of water (not from rain though, it rained last night for the first time in 4 months). it is the most fun thing I've ever done. if you want to cross a big road you don't even have to look. i could walk across any road blindfolded and the traffic will just merge around me. it's so awesome. but that also means you have to merge around anyone else trying to get through the street. i am thankful for the front brake on my bike because the back one doesn't work at all. also, it's easier to stop because my back wheel is bent at like a 10 degree angle and the tire is 75% flat. this morning we rode about 20 minutes into the real city after the rain last night and it was probably the funnest thing I've done in years. the street was all mud with 5 inch deep puddles of death water, so we played the game of try to not die and try not to get covered in mud on the anarchy, which is the streets of Phnom Penh. i won the not dying part but i definitely lost the part about not getting drenched in mud.

 the food here is amazing. about every 10 feet there is a stir fry stand and each one i try keeps getting better. we are on a hunt for the best baay chaa (stir fry) in Phnom Penh. Elder Allred thinks he knows the best one but he knows nothing. I'm going to find the best one and then make a plaque to give them. so if you are reading this email and own a stir fry shack near Stung Meanchey, be on your game when i come around!!!!! Saturday night we realized we didn't have any food for Sunday because we literally eat out every meal. it's a single dollar for a whole meal. so we went to the store and got some eggs. needless to say i ate 12 eggs yesterday. it was marvelous and reminded me of the MTC. this morning we went to the market next to our house.

it has all your daily needs like cucumbers, dragon fruit, pig intestines, baby duck eggs that have the half-formed embryos inside, and of course live fish in a bowl flopping around without any water. i bought a half kilogram of pork all by myself. (btw Elder Slavins, it cost 10,000 riels. Two and a half bucks.)

we teach English classes every Wednesday and so when we have a spare 20 minutes in between appointments we hold signs for the class out in front of the church. when i was holding it one day i decided to smile at some people for no reason. and to my surprise, they thought it was funny and smiled back. so for the next 20 minutes i just stood in front of the church holding a sign and wearing my biggest grin possible. almost every single person that saw me smiled back. a bunch of them actually pulled up their visors on their helmets just to smile back at me. i learned that day that the power of a smile is so great. it's really awesome what such a little thing can do.

we had ward conference this week so the stake presidency came and taught us all. the choir was singing "Army of Helaman" and didn't have enough people so i joined in. the kid next to me couldn't read at all so i felt better because i could read the whole chorus by the time we hit the 3rd verse. it was super awesome. i didn't get very much out of church but i could understand a decent amount of it. what i got out of it was good, i think. our bishop is super awesome. he's totally swagging and the little part of his tie is always longer than the big part. i can't even express how happy that makes me because I've been doing that for the past 2 years. our ward is super awesome and we had 150 people come this week which is the new record. I'm so excited to be a part of it and help it grow even more.

i saw a moto with 2 ladies riding on it. the lady on the back was holding an IV bag as high as she could over her head because it was attached to the lady on the front. 

i love Cambodia

NOTSOSPIRITUALSHPEEL: the Lord was watching out for me when he gave me the idea to buy a bunch of little tissue packs because there is no toilet paper in Cambodia.

SPIRITUALSHPEEL: i got to witness someone's first ever prayer yesterday. a lady was having a rough time with her family so she decided to come to church to find help. we talked to her after church and we taught her a little about the priesthood and blessings and stuff, and then we gave her a priesthood blessing. then we taught her about prayer and how she could talk to God and he would help her. it was so crazy because this concept was so foreign to her. 
we talked her through her first prayer and it was an amazing experience. the spirit was so strong. I'm so glad that i was able to be there and that I get to do this for the next 2 years.

i love you all 
love, elder osborne

Wear Sunscreen

Sunscreen has been proven by scientists to prevent sunburns and even cancer. If you can remember only one thing from my email today, I hope it would be my advice to wear sunscreen.

Another one bites the dust: Sister Stevens from our district went home this week. she was sick and the doctors told her she had to go home. i think it's because she has to get married within the next year and a half, but don't tell her i said that.

Bacon: this week was by far the best week ever for one reason only: we got pizza with bacon wrapped crust. 

so the story goes like this: we were walking around our classroom building and yelling at each other in Cambodian like we normally do and some random cleaning guy says something in Cambodian to us. turns out he went to Cambodia on his mish! so we talked to him for a while and naturally we start talking about food and pizza gets brought up. this guy is APPALLED that we haven't tried the bacon crust pizza so he says "I'll get you some!" 30 minutes later he comes back with a whole pizza in his coat!!!!!!!!! he will forever be my hero. please try the bacon pizza and then you will know what I'm talking about.

Sons of Provo: so it turns out that pretty much everyone in my district have been closet Sons of Provo fans for the past 9 weeks and didn't even tell me. early in the week in a class discussion i said that Mormons can be Buddhists too and then we all broke out into song for the next 5 days straight. it was amazing.

In field orientation: for a full day we didn't have to speak any Khmae and instead we just talked about how to contact people and work with members and stuff. the best trick i learned is to go up to somebody on the street and ask them to help me read a word in the Book of Mormon and then you've got an in right there! genius huh!

i have hardly anything written in my journal this week because every night has been an egg party. it's my last week so i had to get all the eggs in before i leave! you understand right?

i feel like the MTC is my life now. after 9 weeks I've gotten so used to it. I'm totally in denial that i will actually be on a plane tomorrow. I've been trying to keep my excitement down for so long. i really am so excited tho. it's going to be soooo amazing. 

SHOUT OUTS!!!!: (in no particular order)
-- Michael Jackson: for always being there for me.
-- Teija Springman: for restocking my Cheeto supply this week and also giving me a stomach ache from that weird Asian candy
-- Alex Ray: for the nasty but delicious burrito delivered straight to my desk on Friday
-- Paper towels: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- My camera: for having such a wide lens to capture my beautiful face every time
that's all! better luck next time!

i miss you all! i especially miss Jon Bellion tho. so go listen to the song called Luxury for me.

Spiritual shpeel: Repentance: it's really cool. it's actually like the coolest thing in the world. over these 9 weeks I've heard a bunch of talks on it but it's just starting to hit me now. it's funny how that works huh? in Cambodian, the word for repentance is brae cet, which literally means transform heart. i think that's really cool because that's what it is. you change and you transform your heart when you repent. Heavenly Father gave his son to take upon him all of our sins. he completed the atonement so that we can repent and change. that is past tense. he already did it. now it is up to us to use it and change our hearts with his help. yesterday the guy who was talking said that Jesus is never sad when you repent. we are on this earth to learn to be better and to use the atonement through repentance. 

i have a strong testimony that the Savior did take upon my sins. and that through him i can change and be a better person and ultimately live with him again along with my family.

I'm so happy to be a missionary.

keep praying for me.
love, Elder Osborne

There and Back Again: A Missionary's Journey

WHERE DO I EVEN START??!!!!!! this week has been sooooooo crazy!!!

so i weighed myself after my last email. and i won't tell you what i weighed. lol. but i will tell you that i went on a super hardcore boot camp diet this week and lost freaking 6 pounds in one week. it freaking killed me but i did it. praise the Lord. i needed to know that i am in control. and i am. so suck it body.

WE GOT FLIGHT PLANS!!! there are 14 of us flying to Cambodia on the same day. we leave at 7 PM on Tuesday the 24th to LAX and then we leave at 11:30 PM from there and fly straight to Hong Kong. we calculated it's a sixteen hour flight. from Hong Kong we hop to Phnom Penh and arrive at 10:30 in the morning. WE ARE ALL SO STOKED! it seriously doesn't feel real that i will actually be there. it's going to be crazy. ahhhhhhhh i can't wait!

so last week we did this language speaking assessment for our teachers to see how we are progressing and see what they need to help us work on. they give us all feedback of where we are, based on a 1 thru 7 scale. they told us the average for returned missionaries is about a 5 or a 5.5. which is kind of cool because i got all 5's on mine. i know it doesn't mean much because i can't really speak about anything except the gospel, but it's still kind of cool to see that the Lord is blessing me with the gift of tongues even in the MTC. i was trying to think about why I'm doing well and i realized that literally none of what i have achieved or learned is because of me. the Lord has been preparing me my whole life in order to do what i am doing now. i don't have good pronunciation or listening skills because of me. it's because He sent our family to China and i was able to practice listening to Asian taxi drivers and McDonalds workers every day. i don't memorize words well because I'm super smart (but i am), it's because the Lord gave me a butt ton of opportunities to memorize scriptures in seminary and stuff. literally Heavenly Father has been helping me my whole life to shape me into the tool i need to be for this mission. it's really awesome. Helaman 5:12 comes to mind when i talk about this. we have to have a firm foundation and then he can shape us and form us from there

anyway.... Elder Hall and I have been trying allllllll week to get a picture of Elder Ros's classic "that was a stupid idea" face. and we finalllllly got it!!!!! I'm so happy now i can leave the MTC and feel like i actually did something here.

also apparently I've been balling way too hard these past weeks and because my shoes are totally torn to shreds. i think they might not have been made for the kind of fire that i bring to the court.

an Elder in our zone went home this week. he was speaking Vietnamese and going to Australia. it was a sad occasion. he had to go home for a little bit but he thinks he'll be coming back out. i hope so. it was kind of crazy tho because like 5 days before he told us i decided he was my favorite elder here. i don't know if that's true but i just started noticing something was different and how cool he actually was. his name is Elder Perry so now the term "Hey! where's Perry?" is unsettlingly applicable. 

well, this is my last week here so if anyone (winkwink) wants to send me anything for less than a bajillion dollars, you have until next Monday.(totally not fishing for packages). but really tho
i love you all. keep killing it in whatever you are doing. if you fall under the category of being one of my many puakmitpeak (friends) or kromkruasaa (family) i am praying for you every day!! and if you don't fall under one of those categories, then either write me or marry my cousin Sophie!!!!!! (you're welcome for the shout out!!)

SPIRITUAL SHPEEL: Elder Cook came to the MTC this week and it was really cool. it was crazy to have an apostle come. he brought such a thick spirit. i could touch it. it was kinda spongy. he said a couple of cool things. the one that applies to everyone is that when we are inviting, we are succeeding. most people won't do anything unless they are invited to do something. we just have to keep inviting everyone we can. in another devotional a guy told the story of his father's conversion. he said it took 48 years but it was worth it. his father was always kind of interested in the church but had a problem with the word of wisdom. he held a calling in the family history center for like 5 years because he loved family history. he was 73 when he finally stopped smoking and drinking and was able to finally be baptized. a year later he was sealed to his wife. he was so grateful to his son for sticking with him and helping him finally find real happiness in his life. it was really cool and just a reminder to never give up. i know that this gospel can bring more lasting happiness to everyone's life than anything else. amen.

Love, elder osborne

I love the MTC

the MTC is my favorite place ever. i want to live here for the rest of my life. do you think they have condos here to rent out?????? i hope. cuz i don't want to leave. really tho, this place is awesome. so much spiritual juice floating around for you to drink up. i bet i could survive on dew and spiritual juice here forever. (if you get that reference i love you.)

btw my mom wants me to tell everyone that last week i was famous for a while. i was picked to go up in a devotional and preach to everyone about the gospel of Christ and the whole MTC knew who i was for a while because i made stupid faces to 1500 missionaries. big deal. and then i cut my hair and nobody knew who i was anymore lol. satisfied mom?? k good.

its freakin week 7!!! i have no idea what to say!!! it’s all the same! just the spiritual stuff is different.

we have egg parties every night and i still get beaten by girls at basketball. i weigh myself after i write emails so i didn't tell you that i hit +20 pounds last week. I’m scared to weigh in this week. super nervous lol.

oh, i am getting a little better at Cambodian. I've just been learning to read for the past couple days. so i read the story of Joseph Smith’s first vision and memorized it real quick. #giftoftongues

this week we started a thing where we skype with real life people in Cambodia and talk to them and share a message with them. so that was super cool. we get to do that again tonight i think.

hot Cheetos are my life right now. Elder Ros is my life right now. I’m going to miss all my homies at the MTC. life is cool. that’s all i have for normal life at the MTC. love you all so much. keep partying.

PS. I've been wearing one tie a week for the whole week for the past 3 weeks lol. nobody ever notices. i love being a missionary!

spiritual shpeel: holy crap. Holy Ghost. i learned a lot of stuff about the Holy Ghost this week. it was really awesome. our devotional yesterday was on that and then we watched a talk by Pres Uchtdorf on it too. really cool stuff. i learned that anyone can feel the power of the Holy Ghost (commonly referred to as the Light of Christ). the gift of the Holy Ghost is a different ball game tho. Elder Bednar says that even when you get the gift of the Holy Ghost it is NOT inherently operative. the last 4 words of the ordination are: receive the Holy Ghost. the word receive does not connote a passive action. to receive something is an action (D&C 88:33). we have to be constantly trying to receive the Holy Ghost for it to be our constant companion like it should be. to receive it you should sincerely desire it, appropriately invite it, and faithfully obey God’s commandments.
something the guy in the devotional said was that a lot of missionaries ask if they are feeling the Holy Ghost or getting prompted by the Holy Ghost all the time. and his answer to their question is: stop worrying about it! if you are being obedient and doing all you can do then you will be guided. i thought that was really awesome. i learned a bunch of other stuff about it too but i forgot.

the gift of tongues is real. especially when you’re trying to learn the language specifically to teach people. i find it 10x harder to learn words when it’s just about food or random stuff not pertaining to the investigators. this week i wanted to learn the first vision to tell a new investigator that we're teaching about the restoration and Joseph Smith. it literally took me like an hour of barely even trying to memorize it. it was so cool. i never could have done that by myself. i speak Cambodian so much better when we're teaching lessons than i do anywhere else. that’s the real gift of tongues i think.

God loves all his children. even the orphans. i know, it’s hard to believe.

love you!
love, elder osborne

Forget your hair and go to work

"what happened to your hair?"
"well i got really hot. so i went home and took a bath, but i was still hot. so i shaved it all off."

that’s me this week.  
Elder Maurer and Elder Hall and I decided that we needed to reduce our manly appeal because we were distracting all the sisters here. so we cut our hair as short as they would let us. it was well worth it. now we are even better and more streamlined tools for the Lord. lol. #preahyesukrih

OH YEAH! I HAD A BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK!!! it was suuuuuper awesome. somehow everyone in the whole MTC knew that it was my birthday! it was a miracle!!!! most of them just needed me to remind them really quick before they remembered. but they all totally knew!!!
we had an awesome party with yoyos and decorations galore. i got leid in the morning by the one and only Elder Slavens. it was made out of paper cranes and dental floss and it was actually really awesome. The best day of the MTC so far – thank you all so much!

14 missionaries from our zone left for Thailand this morning.

it was like the saddest thing that has ever happened to me :( they were all my homies. (and they were also good for extra bodies on the volleyball court.)
I’ll see them again one day. one day.

we've been here for a total of 6 weeks now and it’s all starting to blend together. we've all been reading the blogs of some people in Cambodia and we’re getting super antsy. we’re so ready to see all the naked kids running around and to get almost killed in the traffic every day.  I’M SO FREAKING STOKED!!!!!!

i feel like my letters are getting less and less funny every week. i don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. I’m becoming such a missionary. eww. everyday i wake up feeling weirdly satisfied and happy and also strange for wearing a name tag. I’m so conflicted. send help.

i love all of you. thank you so much for making my birthday the best one ever!

i took like a trillion pictures this week to make up for this short letter so i hope you enjoy them. i deleted all the dirty ones so don’t worry.

spiritual shpeel: this week has been a really weird one for me spiritually. I've questioned my beliefs more than i ever have in my entire life but my testimony has also grown more than it ever has in one week. at the beginning of the week i just had a lot of questions about why I’m serving this mission and "giving up"(not really) 2 years of progressing my life for this cause. that along with some pretty wacky questions about the plan of salvation and the fact that there are 80,000 other missionaries out there doing the Lords work. i was questioning why I, Elder Osborne, had to be out on this mission right now.
it was super awesome to go into the week with an arsenal of questions for Heavenly Father and come out of the week with such an increased testimony of his plan for me. i know that Heavenly Father answers prayers. you just have to believe that he will answer and pay attention for when he does.

in a talk i heard this week the speaker talked about when the prophet changed the words of the song I Am a Child of God from "teach me all that i must know" to "teach me all that i must do". i feel like i know what to do and how to do it. i know how to be a good missionary. but that’s not enough. now i have to execute.

thank you all for reading my emails. i really appreciate the audience.

tune in next week for all the shenanigans of Elder Slavens and i as we journey to the end of our sanity in the MTC!!!!!!!
Elder Osborne.