JK!!!! I'm in Cambodia! I just don't have a camera so I'm sad!!!! Sorry!
This week the weather was epically weird. The temperature dropped to like 65 degrees. It felt like the fall time. It was really weird. I don't think I sweat for like 2 days straight.
Elder Neuberger: 
Elder Brewer: 
Elder Olson: 
Elder Khiev:
Elder Reeves:
Elder Asay:
Sometimes we can be kinda selfish. Sometimes on my mission I get into a rut for a day. Or a couple of days. Or a transfer. Sometimes I get so focused on myself. I think about what I'm not learning here VS what I could be learning at school. I think about what I'm missing at home with my family. I have come to see what a destructive cycle that kind of thinking can be. This week I was in that rut for about an afternoon. It sucked. I was still doing work but it was the worst.
That evening we taught a lesson to a brand new investigator named Phiap. We were teaching the lesson but I was thinking about riding my fixie through downtown Provo at midnight. Probably one of my top ten favorite things. Well, I didn't really snap back into the lesson until we started talking about Christ, and especially the Atonement of Christ. I was looking at Phiap's eyes and as Elder Asay was teaching about how Christ suffered for our individual sins and pains something clicked. The thought came to me "This mission is not for me. Its for Phiap. Its for Lee and Alex. Forget yourself and go to work."
At that point I forgot all about how I wasn't pulling a sweet skid down the Provo overpass. I didn't care that I had already missed 2 semesters at school. This time is my opportunity to serve and help people receive happiness through the restored gospel. This 2 years isn't for me. I only have about a year left to serve with all my energy all day everyday. I better get going.
Telling this story reminded me of a devotional I heard in the MTC. The speaker told of an experience he had in his high school wood-shop class. He was sanding a wide piece of wood, just a few inches wider than the width of the sander. As he was sanding his teacher noticed that he was sanding the middle of the plank but not getting the full width of the wood. His teacher's advice was an unexpectedly profound and memorable piece of council. The teacher said "if you focus on the edges first, the center will take care of itself." This teacher knew that because of the width of the sander and the wood if the student started with both edges then he wouldn't have to sand the center again.
The speaker at the devotional then related it to a missions and life. He explained how if we serve others and focus on their happiness first then our own happiness would take care of itself.
I am so grateful that this mission is helping me learn to serve others. Sometimes we get into ruts and have hard afternoons but if we focus on others then the center will take care of itself. I know that the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is the only eternal solution to every problem in this world. It is the only way we can achieve eternal life and live with our family forever in happiness. When we share the gospel we are serving them and helping them to receive that happiness.
Swagged out exchanges:
Stolen from my comps camera. Don't worry, I'm still weird:
Just chillin:
Elder Osborne