We didn't end up finding the our guy that day and had to miss our appointment with him.
A couple of days later we were meeting with the senior couple, the Spencers, talking about our area because they know more about it than we do. We started talking about this same less active guy who is actually the first councilor in the district presidency (yes, this is Cambodia). I called him up right then and convinced him to let us come over and talk to him for a few minutes. Elder Spencer wasn't planning to come with us because he had an important talk to write but felt like he probably should come.
Elder Spencer knew exactly where his house was so we drove over there to learn that this man was having a really rough time. He had to sell his moto to pay for a bunch of medicine because his whole family was having health problems. Elder Spencer, Elder Asay, and I talked to him and shared some scriptures to lift his spirits including D&C 121. There was a warm loving spirit there especially brought by Elder Spencer's presence. After the lesson we offered to give him a blessing and it turns out that Elder Spencer was the only one with oil. Elder Spencer laid his hands on this man's head and gave a beautiful blessing guided by the Spirit. I took notes and explained to the man (in Khmae) what Elder Spencer had just said.
We left and went back to the church because Elder Asay was assigned to translate for the mission president in an interview with the district president. In that meeting Elder Asay learned more about the councilor's hardships including that he and his wife have both contracted AIDS.
I know that the hand of the Lord is guiding his work. I can feel Him giving me direction in order to bless the lives of His children here in Cambodia. So many things happen in this work that could never happen without Him putting things into place. I am grateful for the Holy Ghost to be my constant companion. I am grateful for other inspired missionaries especially Elder Spencer this week. I am so happy to be here in Cambodia.
Love, Elder Osborne
P.S. My investigator totally stole my camera this week so I swiped a few pics from Elder Hinds because I went on exchange with him this week.
Oiy Boo + Cat:

We went to an alligator farm:
so cute: 
so tasty: 
The Battambang Crew at a random monument:
A fun little video: https://www.dropbox. com/s/4i3ujirinc43rx9/MDG_ 1642.MOV?dl=0