I only saw 2 dead people on the bus ride to the city and none on the way back. Not too bad.
Hello everybody!
Everyday as I ride my bike I am bound to hear a little kid yell all of these things at me at least once.
- Hello!
- Hello everybody!
- Hello how aar yuu?
- Hello whassyoo name?
- Hellomynameis!? (they think its a question)
They try really hard. Its cute.
This week Ly and Alex got baptized!! They are going to be a great asset to our branch here in Battambang.
My Bishop sent me Captain Moroni socks. My mission president liked them.
My parents sent me a bike speedometer - odometer for Christmas. On average we ride about 15-25 miles every day. Not bad.
This week Elder Asay and taught zone training. It was fun. Usually we get some suggestions from the mission president that we need to talk about, but mostly the whole thing is up to us. We get to choose what to teach and how to do it. Its way cool.
One of the things we had to teach about this time was flirting. Apparently some people in our mission needed a reminder. So we had our Sister Training Leader teach that part and then at the end we showed this video. https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=KFwUcEwD4l4
I'm pretty sure it was the best part of the whole meeting. Everyone liked it.
For our main portion of teaching we talked about an idea that we have been thinking about a lot lately. Its called Yolo.
Usually when we go to visit less actives they will listen to us with their ears but not their hearts. A lot of the time they will give us excuses and tell us that it's impossible for them to go to church, when in reality they are just lazy or offended at someone or don't understand their covenants. Most missionaries, including a former incarnation of myself, usually just visit these people, listen to their complaining,and then share a lovey-dovey scripture with them and tell them they are doing okay. Which is incorrect 99% of the time. What these people really need is a kick in the butt, a wake up call, and some opposition to their excuses.
One time we met a lady who had been less active for a couple of months. She had a lot of excuses for why she didn't go, the main one being that her foot hurt. While I never doubted that her foot really hurt, I wasn't going to take that crap because she sells fruit at the market 10 minutes away every single day. So I just thought Yolo and then I told her that if she can get to the market then she can get to church. She kind of brushed it off but we continued to express the importance of coming to church with her. By the end of the lesson she had committed to come back and she has been at church the last 4 weeks in a row.