This is literally the coolest town in the whole world. It's a super swanky little place with a huge riverside park area and little coffee shops. Most of the city is in my area and then we also go out into the rice fields all the way to Thailand. Probably the coolest area in any mission ever.
I took a ton of pictures. A ton. Because it's such a cool area. And because I found a selfie stick in my new house. Sorry.
Our church (view from the other elders' house)

Our house:



New Burger:

Swaggy old guy we teach. He has a real potty mouth:

Love bridge at a random amusement park with a random guy

We contact every biker we see:


We have a couple of cool investigators. Lee and Alex. Lee is a business woman who speaks English and Khmae and drives a Prius on most days and a Lexus on others. Alex is her 15 year old cousin who grew up in Dallas, TX. He doesn't speak any Khmae. They come to all the activities at the church and they are scheduled to get baptized on the 12th of Dec. We reviewed the baptismal interview questions with them this week and they are super prepared and ready to go! I'm super stoked for them. I'll get a pic next week.
Doctrine and Covenants 121:7-8:
"My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;
And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes."
As eternal beings living in a mortal and time restricted world, we sometimes lose hope as trials seem to bombard us unceasingly. Whether it be a long transfer in a slow area or a chronic illness or a cold winter in Liberty Jail. All trials will be only a small moment in the perspective of eternity. We can take comfort in this and the fact that we can turn to the Lord in our afflictions and receive peace.
"My son, peace be unto thy soul."
My little brother Joe asked me what is the biggest thing I have learned on my mission so far. I told him I learned that it is impossible. Being on this mission and doing the Lord's work is impossible without the Lord's help. I learned that I cannot do it without Him. I would have quit a hundred times by now if I hadn't prayed and received comfort, guidance, and even miracles from the Lord. A mission isn't easy, our trials aren't easy. They are hard, sometimes impossible. But I know that through Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ we can receive peace and strength to make it through.
Our afflictions will be but a small moment. If we endure them well with the help of the Lord we will be exalted on high.
I love Cambodia and my mission and Battambang and everything.