Just got off skype with the fam!!!! Love you fam!

Srei Niet is the coolest person ever. She started learning with the missionaries a couple of months ago and she's already read 3/4 of the Book of Mormon!!! She's awesome. She chose Bong Tol to baptize her because they are neighbors and we always taught them together. He was only baptized a couple months ago too! It's so awesome that they are both lifting each other up. We plan on baptizing their whole neighborhood.This week Elder Neuberger and I had our first baptism together!!!
We only had 1 bike for a day:

We have an awesome group of young men.
They are the coolest and they are all super anxious to help us with our work. Which is good because we're getting so many lessons we are probably going to have to go on splits this Saturday!!!
The English Class Legend: This week we played Jeopardy with our English class. It was way fun and everyone got involved. Well, one of the 500 point questions was "sing a song in English". We just put it on there for fun. We thought the person that got it would just get up and not know any and sit down. we thought. This kid got up and sang a whole verse of "take me to your heart" and the whole class of 30 people joined in for the chorus!!!! It was so epiccccc! I wish I could have videoed it!
Om Ai's step kids:

Om Ai is doing super well! He talked to the bishop about getting married and he comes to church every week and gives awesome answers in the recent convert / investigator class. Also his sock game is on point:

Elder Allred's face swelled up this week:

It started swelling and it wouldn't stop. Then he got hives all over his body. I had to use my EMT knowledge to save him by asking a pharmacist for an antihistamine. Once again I saved the day.
The weeks keep getting better. The people I talk to keep making more and more sense. I made a couple of phone calls in Khmae. Everything is going great. We have another baptism lined up for this week.
Heavenly Father loves you.
I love you
Love, Elder Osborne