
Forget your hair and go to work

"what happened to your hair?"
"well i got really hot. so i went home and took a bath, but i was still hot. so i shaved it all off."

that’s me this week.  
Elder Maurer and Elder Hall and I decided that we needed to reduce our manly appeal because we were distracting all the sisters here. so we cut our hair as short as they would let us. it was well worth it. now we are even better and more streamlined tools for the Lord. lol. #preahyesukrih

OH YEAH! I HAD A BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK!!! it was suuuuuper awesome. somehow everyone in the whole MTC knew that it was my birthday! it was a miracle!!!! most of them just needed me to remind them really quick before they remembered. but they all totally knew!!!
we had an awesome party with yoyos and decorations galore. i got leid in the morning by the one and only Elder Slavens. it was made out of paper cranes and dental floss and it was actually really awesome. The best day of the MTC so far – thank you all so much!

14 missionaries from our zone left for Thailand this morning.

it was like the saddest thing that has ever happened to me :( they were all my homies. (and they were also good for extra bodies on the volleyball court.)
I’ll see them again one day. one day.

we've been here for a total of 6 weeks now and it’s all starting to blend together. we've all been reading the blogs of some people in Cambodia and we’re getting super antsy. we’re so ready to see all the naked kids running around and to get almost killed in the traffic every day.  I’M SO FREAKING STOKED!!!!!!

i feel like my letters are getting less and less funny every week. i don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. I’m becoming such a missionary. eww. everyday i wake up feeling weirdly satisfied and happy and also strange for wearing a name tag. I’m so conflicted. send help.

i love all of you. thank you so much for making my birthday the best one ever!

i took like a trillion pictures this week to make up for this short letter so i hope you enjoy them. i deleted all the dirty ones so don’t worry.

spiritual shpeel: this week has been a really weird one for me spiritually. I've questioned my beliefs more than i ever have in my entire life but my testimony has also grown more than it ever has in one week. at the beginning of the week i just had a lot of questions about why I’m serving this mission and "giving up"(not really) 2 years of progressing my life for this cause. that along with some pretty wacky questions about the plan of salvation and the fact that there are 80,000 other missionaries out there doing the Lords work. i was questioning why I, Elder Osborne, had to be out on this mission right now.
it was super awesome to go into the week with an arsenal of questions for Heavenly Father and come out of the week with such an increased testimony of his plan for me. i know that Heavenly Father answers prayers. you just have to believe that he will answer and pay attention for when he does.

in a talk i heard this week the speaker talked about when the prophet changed the words of the song I Am a Child of God from "teach me all that i must know" to "teach me all that i must do". i feel like i know what to do and how to do it. i know how to be a good missionary. but that’s not enough. now i have to execute.

thank you all for reading my emails. i really appreciate the audience.

tune in next week for all the shenanigans of Elder Slavens and i as we journey to the end of our sanity in the MTC!!!!!!!
Elder Osborne.